Sneak Peek | H Family

May I introduce you to the H family?  I’d like to take a moment just to brag on them a little bit.  We’ve known D and J, our dear friends, since before they we were all married.  They have three daughters they call their own, but have had the privilege of fostering 16 total children in the last few years.  Their youngest was the first child placed in their foster home nearly 4 years ago!  G was adopted into their family when she was 3.  J makes a sweet momentum of each child they open their home to and hangs it on a special wall in their house.  I laugh, because the walls may run out of room someday, but I know their home will stay open much longer than that!  Their hearts are BIG and have so much love for kids in crisis. I guess you could say they have 20 and counting…

You should have seen us pushing the double stroller around and managing 5 total kids during this incredibly fun shoot.  It was quite the scene!  The youngest two are foster children, so I am not legally able to post their precious photos on the web.  But let me just say for the record, we got some adorable family pics with all 7 of them!

It is such a blessing to call this wonderful family our friends (all 20+ of them)!!






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